Back to school 2021-2022 at EFAD: A word from the director
Dear parents,
At EFAD, students flourish in a warm environment, develop their personalities, supported by caring professionals, and expand their knowledge by putting it into practice within the framework of the French National Education programs. This unique combination offers them the keys to success in their lives as citizens of the world.
Our philosophy of education rests on three pillars: academic excellence, the development of the student as a person, and his or her education to become a citizen of the world. It is on these three pillars that EFAD wishes to build its action.
Kindergarten and primary school children learn by living together, sharing, collaborating, producing, exchanging... in the context of our school, which is a school of life.
Happy and humbled to have taken up my post as principal of this endearing little school, on behalf of the whole team I wish you a wonderful school year!
Alain Delaune